2023Thu Jul 19 2022
At the beginning of the course, we drew slips of paper from a hat, each containing the first step to start a project. I got "mothball," and when I saw that this product surprisingly looks like candy despite being highly toxic and dangerous, I decided to focus on the theme of "Exploring textures from nature and drawing conclusions that can help in the design of products containing toxic substances."
- Naphthalene is a toxic chemical used to control insects and pests in places such as homes, warehouses and agriculture. It damages .the nervous system of pests, concluding in their death
Trypophobia - the fear or disgust of clusters of small holes, protrusions or patterns. When people see such clusters, they experience symptoms of fear or repulsion.
- A combination of textures gives a more toxic feeling.
- Color at the end of a thorn or inside a hole is more frightening.
- Unexpected actions of the object make the user afraid of using it.
- Unidentified object form gives a sense of alertness before use.
- There is a fear of putting a finger in a hole with texture.